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Guide to Removing and Recycling Appliances

A new appliance may become necessary as your living arrangements change. It is a good idea to consider the removal and recycling options before purchasing a new appliance. It is everyone’s responsibility to preserve the environment. You have several options to choose from. A more environmentally friendly approach can help when it comes to appliance recycling. 

appliance technician removing or uninstalling dishwasher

How Can I Recycle and Remove Appliances?

Perhaps you’re wondering: how do I get rid of old appliances? Depending on your local recycling facility, you can dispose of them in a variety of ways. Finding out what recycling options you have is as easy as doing an online search. Generally, you will likely find one of the following options:

1. Retailers and manufacturers offering appliance removal and recycling services
Many retailers offer haul-away services with major appliance purchases, either for free, as part of the purchase, or at a reasonable cost.

Ask about appliance recycling when you’re buying an old appliance to replace it. Not only does this save you time, but it ensures your old appliances are handled in accordance with local and provincial laws. You may be able to request both an uninstall and a haulaway option when purchasing your appliance. Make sure you ask about this option when you make your purchase.

With the latest innovations, now is an excellent time to buy a new appliance. Laundry can be done more quickly now that the detergent is automatically dispensed by your washer. Or perhaps a smart washer and dryer would be perfect for you.

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2. Appliance recycling programs
You should review your local Solid Waste Programs (SWP) and Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) laws before purchasing new appliances. With EPR’s end-of-life recycling programs, consumers can easily recycle end-of-life products. There may be a violation of local bylaws if appliances are left at the curbside. It is up to the municipality to determine what is best for you based on your needs. For a reasonable fee, many will pick up bulky items.

Consumers can recycle old appliances through appliance recycling programs. Various recycling programs exist in different areas, so always inquire about details such as appliance removal and hauling, fees, and locations.

3. Appliance removal services
Appliance removal services are available as well. These organizations are sometimes referred to as junk removal companies or appliance/scrap metal collectors. They recycle old appliances and remove junk from homes. They will often accept old washers, refrigerators, and other appliances.

appliance technician preparing to remove washer and dryer
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